Monday, November 30, 2015

November 2015 Project Stats

November 2015 - Project Stats

Total number of women in the project: 185
24 different countries

Total distance traveled: November 2015: 531 miles (854 km)
Total distance traveled: Total: 20,096 miles (32,342 km)

Number of women who received the book this month: 2

Total number of women who have written in the Book: 34
Number of women left to receive it: 151

November 2015 Project Update

This month the Notebook left New Jersey and made its way over to Ohio!
There it visited with an awesome woman who took this photo in front of a wall mural at the Dave Thomas Adoption headquarters. It's perfect!

The Notebook stayed in Ohio for the entire month, visiting with two women there.
Where will the Notebook get to next?