Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 2015 Project Stats

June 2015 Project Stats

Total number of women in project: 183
24 different countries

Total distance traveled: June 2015: 276 miles (444 km)
Total distance traveled: Total: 18,754 miles (30,181 km)

Number of women who received the book this month: 3

Total number of women who have written in the book: 26
Number of women left to receive it: 157

June 2015 Project Update

Summer is here!

This month, the notebook has been journeying all over Canada. It was even in Canada for Canada day, such perfect timing!!

Our awesome project women took a lot of great photos with the Notebook.
One brave woman even used her time with the Notebook to share her MRKH story for the first time!

In honor of the Project's one year anniversary (!!!!) the Project's founder, Kristen, had hundreds of custom designed post cards made, and sent them out to women in the project all over the world!
It was an exciting time as the postcards began arriving and photos were being shared!

We also added a new member from Germany! Our second German woman participating, and one who shares her MRKH story on YouTube for other German-speaking MRKH'ers. We are so excited to have her!

Also this month, Kristen designated two people to be her 'backup' people, in the event that she no longer could continue as head of the Project.  Don't ask why she didn't think of this a year ago, she doesn't know either!

Anyway, enjoy the photos below of the Notebook's travels, and some of the postcard pictures!
There were lots of photos to share this month, hurray!

Until next month!